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If you have reason to believe that one of our Search Results on is violating your Copyrights or some of Search Results references provide illegal contents, please send complaint request on Contact page with subject (Abuse)
Please allow up to a 1-4 business days for an reply. Note, that emailing your complaint to other parties will not expedite your request and may result in a delayed response due to the complaint not being filed properly.
Required information
We deal only with messages that meet the following requirements:
* Explain which copyrighted material is affected.
* Please insert your complete link details
* If it a case of files with illegal contents, please describe the contents briefly.
* Please ensure that you can receive further enquiries from us at the e-mail address you are writing from.
If you have reason to believe that one of our Search Results on is violating your Copyrights or some of Search Results references provide illegal contents, please send complaint request on Contact page with subject (Abuse)
Please allow up to a 1-4 business days for an reply. Note, that emailing your complaint to other parties will not expedite your request and may result in a delayed response due to the complaint not being filed properly.
Required information
We deal only with messages that meet the following requirements:
* Explain which copyrighted material is affected.
* Please insert your complete link details
* If it a case of files with illegal contents, please describe the contents briefly.
* Please ensure that you can receive further enquiries from us at the e-mail address you are writing from.
Site Disclaimer
* DOES NOT HOST any of the files or software displayed on this site.
* not have a relationship or association with these sites.
* Links to other sites which are not regarded as an affiliate.
* You download all kind Files from another host service.
* All the rights on the files are the property of their respective owners.
* By using this site you agree to have read and understood our Privacy Policy.
* We are just a SEARCH ENGINE, but we respect an Copyright Laws. So if You have found the link to an illegal file, please visit Abuse Page for more info. do NOT encourage Piracy. No files are HOSTED on our server, they are indexed in a similar way to how Search Engine works. The ISP and/or administrator cannot be held responsible for the contents of any linked sites or any link contained in a linked site, or changes/updates to such sites.
* DOES NOT HOST any of the files or software displayed on this site.
* not have a relationship or association with these sites.
* Links to other sites which are not regarded as an affiliate.
* You download all kind Files from another host service.
* All the rights on the files are the property of their respective owners.
* By using this site you agree to have read and understood our Privacy Policy.
* We are just a SEARCH ENGINE, but we respect an Copyright Laws. So if You have found the link to an illegal file, please visit Abuse Page for more info. do NOT encourage Piracy. No files are HOSTED on our server, they are indexed in a similar way to how Search Engine works. The ISP and/or administrator cannot be held responsible for the contents of any linked sites or any link contained in a linked site, or changes/updates to such sites.
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy committed to user privacy and our policy below describes our principles in maintaining user trust and confidence and protecting your personal information.
Information Collection and Use
Any emails that you enter on this site for the purpose of subscribing to any of our services are used strictly for these purposes, at any time you can unsubscribe from our services in which case the email address is permanently deleted from our database. does not collect or use any personally identifying information when you visit our website. May, however, from time-to-time, collect non-personally identifying information available from your browser when you request a page from our website. This information includes your IP address, your browser type, the URL requested by your browser and the date and time of your query. We use this information to monitor the usage of our website and to improve the quality of our service.
On occasion and in the future, non-personally-identifiable information we collect may be shared with third-parties to provide more relevant services and advertisements to our visitors. For instance, we may share the number of users that have searched for a specific files or clicked on a specific advertisement featured on our site.
We adhere to valid legal processes and may provide information as required by law to protect and defend the rights of our company, and in certain instances, to protect the personal safety of users and the public. committed to user privacy and our policy below describes our principles in maintaining user trust and confidence and protecting your personal information.
Information Collection and Use
Any emails that you enter on this site for the purpose of subscribing to any of our services are used strictly for these purposes, at any time you can unsubscribe from our services in which case the email address is permanently deleted from our database. does not collect or use any personally identifying information when you visit our website. May, however, from time-to-time, collect non-personally identifying information available from your browser when you request a page from our website. This information includes your IP address, your browser type, the URL requested by your browser and the date and time of your query. We use this information to monitor the usage of our website and to improve the quality of our service.
On occasion and in the future, non-personally-identifiable information we collect may be shared with third-parties to provide more relevant services and advertisements to our visitors. For instance, we may share the number of users that have searched for a specific files or clicked on a specific advertisement featured on our site.
We adhere to valid legal processes and may provide information as required by law to protect and defend the rights of our company, and in certain instances, to protect the personal safety of users and the public.
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